
@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_4_0)
val NegativeInt.Companion.range: NotEmptyRange<NegativeInt>

The range of values a NegativeInt can have.

Here's an example of calling this property from Kotlin code:

println(NegativeInt.range) // [-2147483648;0]

Please note that this property is not available yet for Java users.

@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_4_0)
val PositiveInt.Companion.range: NotEmptyRange<PositiveInt>

The range of values a PositiveInt can have.

Here's an example of calling this property from Kotlin code:

println(PositiveInt.range) // [0;2147483647]

Please note that this property is not available yet for Java users.

@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_4_0)
val StrictlyNegativeInt.Companion.range: NotEmptyRange<StrictlyNegativeInt>

The range of values a StrictlyNegativeInt can have.

Here's an example of calling this property from Kotlin code:

println(StrictlyNegativeInt.range) // [-2147483648;-1]

Please note that this property is not available yet for Java users.

@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_4_0)
val StrictlyPositiveInt.Companion.range: NotEmptyRange<StrictlyPositiveInt>

The range of values a StrictlyPositiveInt can have.

Here's an example of calling this property from Kotlin code:

println(StrictlyPositiveInt.range) // [1;2147483647]

Please note that this property is not available yet for Java users.