
@Since(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_1_0)
sealed interface ResultContext

Context available when calling the resultOf function.


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Returns this number as a NegativeInt, which may involve rounding or truncation, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this number is strictly positive.

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Returns this number as a NonZeroInt, which may involve rounding or truncation, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this number equals zero.

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Returns this string as a NotBlankString, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this string is blank.

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Returns a NotEmptyList containing all the elements of this collection, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this collection is empty.

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open fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.toNotEmptyMap(): NotEmptyMap<K, V>

Returns a NotEmptyMap containing all the entries of this map, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this map is empty.

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Returns a NotEmptySet containing all the elements of this collection, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this collection is empty.

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Returns this number as a PositiveInt, which may involve rounding or truncation, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this number is strictly negative.

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Returns this number as a StrictlyNegativeInt, which may involve rounding or truncation, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this number is positive.

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Returns this number as a StrictlyPositiveInt, which may involve rounding or truncation, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if this number is negative.