
@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_1)
class Zero

Represents the zero number.

For creating an instance of this type, see its constructor or the additional factory functions provided by the Zero.Companion type.


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Creates an instance of Zero.


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object Companion

Contains static declarations for the Zero type.


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@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_2)
operator fun compareTo(other: Byte): Int
@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_2)
operator fun compareTo(other: Double): Int
@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_2)
operator fun compareTo(other: Float): Int
@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_2)
operator fun compareTo(other: Int): Int
@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_2)
operator fun compareTo(other: Long): Int
@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_2)
operator fun compareTo(other: Short): Int

Compares this number with the other one for order. Returns zero if this number equals the other one, a negative number if it's less than the other one, or a positive number if it's greater than the other one.

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operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Returns true if the other object is an instance of Zero, or returns false otherwise.

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override fun hashCode(): Int

Returns a hash code value for this number.

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fun toByte(): Byte

Returns this number as Byte.

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@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_2)
fun toChar(): Char

Returns the character representation of this number.

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@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_2)
fun toDouble(): Double

Returns this number as Double.

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@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_2)
fun toFloat(): Float

Returns this number as Float.

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@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_2)
fun toInt(): Int

Returns this number as Int.

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@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_2)
fun toLong(): Long

Returns this number as Long.

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@ExperimentalSince(version = KotoolsTypesVersion.V4_5_2)
fun toShort(): Short

Returns this number as Short.

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override fun toString(): String

Returns the string representation of this number.